yesterday, i purchased these glass bubble balls from cb2 the drape across the window of my new apartment. i have a slight obsession with their decorative spheres and have started collected them.
i went to see black acid coop by johan freeman and justin lowe at deitch projects in soho which was amazing. it's some of the most interesting art i've seen in a long while. installation goes through august 15.
" The Museum of Broken Relationships is an art concept which proceeds from the assumption that objects possess integrated fields - ‘holograms’ of memories and emotions - and intends with its layout to create a space of ‘secure memory’ or ‘protected remembrance’ in order to preserve the material and nonmaterial heritage of broken relationships."
i am about to move into a new apartment and i thought this headboard by lydia lee was so dainty and inspiration. it has such a romantic, feminine quality.